The Villa Walsh year is marked by various events where the school comes together to celebrate our community members.

These traditions enable our families to get acquainted with one another, build a strong community, and strengthen ties within Villa and beyond. Here’s a sampling of our school’s most popular traditions. For a more comprehensive list, please visit here under Villa Walsh Community and Traditions section.


Organized by the Booster Club, Septemberfest takes place at the beginning of the school year, usually on the third Saturday of the month. Villa fields and courts come alive on this day as our fall sports teams host opponents from other schools. Cheer on your favorite athletes and enjoy a complimentary barbecue provided by Villa students and families.

mother daughter dinner

Mother-Daughter Dinner

A truly memorable event held in October, this long-standing tradition is a hands-down favorite among Villa families. Laugh, cry, and mingle with Villa mothers and daughters at this beautiful evening that celebrates the senior class and the Villa sisterhood.

Fall Festival and Student Fashion Show

Villa’s biggest fundraiser that takes place in November, this event is also a celebration of our seniors as they walk down the runway with their fathers or guest of choice. Come bid on different auction items, and mingle and chat with other Villa families while supporting a good cause.

christmas concert

Christmas Concert

Typically held on the second Sunday in December, this concert is open to all Villa families. Listen to the melodic voices of our Villa Chorus as they sing different Christmas carols and enjoy the live Nativity tableau as we usher in the Christmas season. 

Father-Daughter Dance

An evening of fun in March, fathers and daughters come together at this event for trivia games and dancing. Come prepared – this event can be competitive as fathers and daughters vie for trophies that are awarded to the top performers in various dance categories.

father daughter dance