At Villa Walsh, we strongly believe in our mission to prepare our students for the future. Here are some opportunities we have for students to lead in the area that they are most passionate about.

Student Council

Elected by their peers, the Student Council consists of the following: Executive Board, which is typically made up of upperclassmen, Class Commissioners and Class Representatives. The Student Council is the main liaison between the faculty and students. This group advocates for students’ concerns and interests and are the biggest cheerleaders of our school. They are expected to attend meetings as well as help prepare and organize the school’s special events.

Peer Leaders

Chosen after an interview process with faculty members, peer leaders are seniors who assist the incoming freshman class and 7th graders navigate issues that may come up during the transition into Villa Walsh Academy. This program is designed to help new students candidly bring up questions or concerns they may have but are afraid to ask.

Student Ambassadors

Open to all grade levels, Villa student ambassadors are selected after an interview with faculty members. Training is key for our ambassadors as they are the face of our school, representing Villa in Open House tours, 7th grade for a day, and other events the school hosts.

Athletic Leadership Council

The Athletic Leadership Council aims to identify student leaders from grades 9-12 that will help strengthen the selection of team captains and leaders as well as cultivate a community of leaders within the school.

Learn More about the ALC