College Timetable for 12th Grade

September 2024

  • Match Naviance to Common App

  • Begin college interviews

  • Download or view college applications from college websites or the Common Application website

  • Edit your college essays/supplements

  • Confirm with teachers- letter of recommendations

  • Register for any additional SAT, ACT tests

  • Notify Guidance of Early Action or Early Decision plans

  • Visit colleges or Open Houses

  • Revise Student Resume and return to Mrs. Devins 

  • Attend college representative meetings at Villa

October 2024               

  • Finalize college essays
  • Contact Collegeboard and have test scores sent to colleges-if needed
  • Be sure that any college to which you are applying Early Action or Early Decision is listed on Naviance and the Common Application website
  • Register for CSS Profile for financial aid, if necessary
  • Meet with counselor to discuss plans for applications

November 2024           

  • Complete college applications and BE AWARE OF DEADLINES!

December 2024    

  • Be sure that ALL of the colleges you plan on applying to are listed on Naviance and on your Common App.
  • Complete all college applications!

January 2025              

  • Maintain your academic consistency!
  • Apply online at for FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
  • Maintain communication with colleges
  • Update colleges with any information you would like to convey (grades, awards, etc.)

May 2025              

  • Respond to ALL colleges regarding your enrollment NO LATER THAN May 1st!
  • Send in your deposit to your college by May 1st
Suggestions for 11th Grade


  • Take the PSATs – October 
  • Remain involved: continue participating in extracurricular activities you enjoy
  • Stay on track with your courses
  • Complete Supermatch on Naviance
  • Attend College Night Presentation


  • Maintain academic consistency
  • Take on new roles if you can: work towards leadership positions in the activities you are involved in
  • Volunteer
  • Meet with Mrs. Devins
  • Review Naviance statistics for colleges you may be interested in
  • Take SAT and/or ACT


  • Examine course selection
  • Finish the year strong with final exams and/or AP exams
  • Common App Essay prompts- Will be discussed in English class 
  • College Visits- Attend Open Houses, information sessions etc. 
  • Complete a Student Resume- Will be discussed in English class 
  • Update transcript
  • Take SAT and/or ACT


  • Visit college campuses
  • Complete Common App Essay 
  • Work/Volunteer

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Suggestions for 10th Grade


  • Stay on track with your courses
  • Remain involved: continue participating in extracurricular activities you enjoy
  • Complete Supermatch on Naviance


  • Maintain academic consistency
  • Take on new roles if you can: work towards leadership positions in the activities you are involved in
  • Volunteer
  • Meet with Mrs. Devins to discuss goals(academic/personal)
  • Review Naviance statistics for colleges you may be interested in


  • Examine course selection
  • Take the PSAT’s
  • Finish the year strong with final exams and/or AP exams
  • Think about how you are going to spend your summer (volunteer, work etc.)
  • Compile a list of all activities/clubs/awards you have participated in/received since 9th grade
  • Consider visiting colleges (open houses, tours, etc.)


  • Utilize your summer to further demonstrate your interest(s), by volunteering, taking a course, working, taking a service trip, etc. 
  • Consider visiting some college campuses if you weren’t able to in the Spring.

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Suggestions for 9th Grade


  • Embrace your courses- rewrite notes, develop study groups
  • Get involved- Join clubs, sports or any extracurricular activity you may be interested in.
  • Build relationships with your teachers, new friends and your counselors.
  • Reach out if you need assistance (Student Assistant Counselor, Guidance Counselor or Director of Curriculum are here to help)


  • Find your academic stride
  • Consider goals for the upcoming summer and school year
  • Maintain communication with teachers and counselors


  • Discuss course selection with your teachers and counselor
  • Develop a plan for the summer (work, volunteer)

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