Camp Schedule
Monday July 21 - Thursday, July 24 7:30 A.M.
Early Arrival with additional charge
9 A.M. Class begins
12 Noon Departure
Friday, July 25 7:30 A.M.
Early Arrival with additional charge
9 A.M. Class begins
11 A. M. All parents invited to attend for the Robot Matches followed by a tour and presentation of Sisters 1st FIRSTĀ® Robotics Competition Team 8513's Robotics Center at Villa Walsh Academy.
12 Noon Departure

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Realizing that participating in activities involves the potential for injury which is inherent in all activities. I/we acknowledge that an injury is a possibility even when the necessary precautions are taken. I hold Villa Walsh Academy and its employees harmless from all causes, liabilities, damages, and claims due to an injury or accident involving my daughter while attending the Villa Walsh Academy Summer Camp on or off campus. If a camper receives medical attention for an injury while attending camp, she must have a medical note in order to return to participate.

PHOTO RELEASE: I/We give permission for photo(s) | video(s) of my daughter to be published on the school social media and website. If I do not agree, I will contact the Mrs. Nugent and Mr. Busler by email at [email protected].

Camp Fees are non-refundable. We do not prorate.
Early bird registration until May 1st! $275
Prices after May 1st - Sign up for $300
Early Drop Off from 7:30-8:45 A. M. - Additional $50 fee
The registration form has to be filled out, signed and uploaded here. No camper will be permitted to participate without this completed form on file. Form due by June 1, 2025.

(doc, docx, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png)
Has to be submitted latest by June 1, 2025.
How many campers are you signing up?
Early drop off $50 per camper