Our largest fundraising event at Villa Walsh and a tradition that unites generations, VWA’s Fall Festival and Student Fashion show is a themed-evening that typically happens the third weekend in November.

This event celebrates our wonderful seniors as they walk down the runway with their fathers while the underclassmen participate by wearing a chosen theme for their group. We are grateful for all the previous sponsors, donors and families who have supported this fundraiser, which funds many of the capital improvement programs at the school.

This year’s theme, “Ooh la la Villa,” hopes to capture the magic of Paris and France as we gather together to support Villa Walsh’s future endeavors. 

We're counting down the days to this exciting evening with you!

2024 Fall Fashion Show invitation

Click image to enlarge

Sponsorship Donation Form

Support Our Success!

St. Lucy Sponsor

$10,000 and above 

  • Table at event for you and 9 guests 
  • Acknowledged in Opening Remarks at Event 
  • Complimentary Full Page Ad in the Event Program 
  • Business logo displayed on VWA Website 
  • Business logo displayed on Click-Bid 
  • Business logo displayed on Boards at Event

For the Girls Sponsor

$5,000 and above 

  • Four Complimentary tickets to event
  • Complimentary Full Page Ad in the Event Program 
  • Business logo displayed on VWA Website 
  • Business logo displayed on Click-Bid 
  • Business logo displayed on Boards at Event

Sister Sponsor

$2,500 and above 

  • Complimentary Half Page Ad in the Event Program 
  • Business logo displayed on VWA Website 
  • Business logo displayed on Click-Bid 
  • Business logo displayed on Boards at Event

Event Sponsor

$1,000 and above 

  • Complimentary Quarter Page Ad in the Event Program
  • Business logo displayed on Boards at Event

Sponsor a Teacher/Staff Member

$250 and above 

  • Dinner at event for Teacher/Staff
  • Acknowledged in Event Program

Please use the form below to donate to our event and support our success. Kindly submit/return by November 1, 2024 to ensure acknowledgment in our Event Program.

If paying by check, please mail your text-deductible donation to:

Villa Walsh Academy
455 Western Ave.
Morristown, NJ 07960
Attn. Beth O'Malley

We are grateful for your generous support!

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