Villa Walsh Academy offers a rigorous curriculum for young women in Grades 7 to 12.

A well-rounded curriculum of classes builds comprehensively from one year to the next. Each student is encouraged to self-advocate and pursue their interests through a wide range of required courses and electives. Our small classes provide the framework for serious study and individualized learning where students can explore areas of interest in greater depth. 

To facilitate student’s needs, major courses are offered on three levels: College Preparatory, Honors, and Advanced Placement (AP). Grades are weighted accordingly. Courses challenge each student as she discovers and develops her talents. Small classes provide the framework for group discussion and individualized learning.

Core Curriculum

A graduate of Villa Walsh Academy must successfully accumulate a minimum of 140 credits, which include these basic college entrance requirements:

4 YearsTheology
4 YearsEnglish
4 YearsMathematics
4 YearsPhysical Education & Health
3 YearsHistory
3 YearsLab Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
2 YearsWorld Language
1 YearThe Arts (Chorus, Art, Dance)

Elective Offerings

As students progress through the Villa Walsh curriculum, they are given more flexibility and opportunity to explore and deepen their academic interests. The core curriculum may be supplemented with elective courses, allowing each student to create a unique course of study suited to her interests. Every student's schedule is unique: while some students choose to double up on math or science courses, others choose to pursue the humanities, visual and performing arts, or a second language. 

By the time they are juniors and seniors, most of our students are challenged by Advanced Placement (AP) work in multiple disciplines. Our guidance department and faculty members work with our students to ensure the girls are taking a strong and varied course load, paying careful attention to each student’s total school involvement, athletic and other curricular commitments, and overall combination of classes.

Please refer to our Program of Studies for a full list of available electives by grade.

Grade 7

Social Studies
Computer I
Art Education
Health Education
Physical Education

Grade 8

Physical Science
Algebra I
Social Studies
Computer II
Art Education
Health Education
Physical Education

Grade 9

    Theology I
    English I/H
    Algebra I
    Algebra II/H
    World History
    Health Education
    Physical Education

    French I/II
    Italian I/II
    Spanish I/II

Freshman must choose one language and one fine arts course 

Grade 10

    Theology II
    British Literature/H or AP Seminar
    Algebra II/H or Geometry/H or
    US History I/H or AP World History
    World Language II/III H
    Physical Education
    Driver Education

    Web Design with HTML
    Computer Science Discoveries
    AP Computer Science Principles
    Democracy and Government
    Advanced Art

Sophomores must choose at least
two electives 

Grade 11

    Theology III
    American Literature H or
    AP Language & Composition
    Algebra II/ H or Precalculus H or
    AP Calculus AB or Calculus H
    Physics H/ AP Physics I
    United States History II H/ AP
    Physical Education
    Health Education

    AP Chemistry
    AP Biology
    World Language III H/IV H
    AP Research
    Computer Science Discoveries
    AP Computer Science Principles
    AP Computer Science A
    Web Design with HTML
    Democracy and Government
    Advanced Art
    Art & Design
    AP 2D Art & Design
    Art History/ AP

Juniors must choose at least
three electives

Grade 12

    Theology IV
    World Literature H or
    AP English Literature & Composition
    College Guidance & Financial Literacy
    Precalculus / H
    Calculus H
    AP Calculus AB, BC 
    Statistics H/AP
    Physics H/AP Physics I, II
    Physical Education
    Health Education

    Anatomy & Physiology
    AP Biology
    AP Chemistry
    Females in Fairy Tales & Film
    Intro to Psychology
    AP Psychology
    World Language IV-H/ V-H/ AP
    AP Modern European History
    Economics H
    Web Design HTML
    Computer Science Discoveries
    AP Computer Science A
    Advanced Art
    Art & Design
    AP 2D Art & Design
    Art History/AP

Seniors must choose at least
four electives