The Villa Walsh Academy Art Program is designed to guide the girls towards art as a way of life and to help them develop a sense of beauty and cultural appreciation. The program is open to all students and encourages a positive and productive art experience with exposure to all art forms.

Beginning in middle school, our Art Program consistently builds a foundation for students to reach the procedural skill levels for college and professional work. In addition to foundational level courses, AP Art History and AP 2-D Art and Design are offered as well as Art and Design (Commercial Art), which allows students to explore commercial art through graphic design, architecture, character design, and fashion such as designing a mannequin garment for our annual fashion show.

Villa Art students make regular visits to galleries and art museums and participate in local and national competitions. Starting in middle school, students work on projects utilizing art historical references in the creative process, write artist statements and present their work during critiques. The annual Villa Walsh Art Show opens as the incredible backdrop to our unique Collage Concert and very appropriately concludes with the Family Liturgy & Brunch. Students' work is regularly presented and reported on within the pages of our school newspaper, The Towerette and culminates with a highlighted display throughout the pages of Innervisions, our school literary magazine.

Visual Arts Faculty